Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sharing a poem about Pride

Hello Blog World!

Been a long time since I have been here.

Would like to say that I will try to do better. But I have done that several times in the past. So, for today, I have a poem that I want to share with you.

For many years now, I have used Beth Moore's "Praying God's Word" as a tool during devotions. Not always and not consistently, but today I picked it up again. Just turned to the page marked from the last visit. It was on on the chapter, "Overcoming Pride". And I once again read the poem that she has printed. I didn't just skim it (as often happens in a re-read). I read it again. So, I share it with you today. (if anyone still reads) Maybe someone else needs to read it too. Certainly, I am reminded that pride is a tool that the enemy uses in my life to try to defeat me.

My name is Pride.  I am a cheater.

I cheat you of your God-given destiny...
because you demand your own way.

I cheat you of contentment...
because you "deserve better than this."

I cheat you of knowledge...
because you already know it all.

I cheat you of healing...
because you are too full of me to forgive.

I cheat you of holiness...
because you refuse to admit when you are wrong.

I cheat you of vision...
because you had rather look out a window than in a mirror.

I cheat you of genuine friendship...
because nobody is going to know the real you.

I cheat you of love...
because real romance demands sacrifice.

I cheat you of greatness in heaven...
because you refuse to wash another's feet on earth.

I cheat you of God's Glory...
because I convince you to seek your own.

My name is Pride.  I am a cheater.
You like me because you think I am always looking out for you.
I'm looking to make a fool of you.
God has so much for you, I admit, but don't worry...
If you'll stick with me,
You will never know.

My name is Pride.  I am a cheater....

Does it speak to you, as it has to me?  For the local people... goes along with the sermon series we have been hearing this summer, huh?  Pride is not "poor in Spirit"... Pride is not "mourning"... Pride is not "meek"...Pride is not "hungering and thirsting after righteousness"... Pride is not "merciful"... Pride is not "pure in heart"... Pride is not "peacemaking".

My Bible reading today was from Amos.  So, I leave with the Scripture that jumped off the page to me this morning.

(Amos 5:14)  Seek good and not evil, that you may live... 
(Amos 15:15)  Hate evil and love good... 

Pride is probably the biggest hinderance from doing so...
Thoughts to share?:  I would love to hear some...