(Amos 5:14) Seek good and not evil, that you may live...(Amos 15:15) Hate evil and love good...
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Sharing a poem about Pride
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Wanting to Write
Today, I went to a Writer's Workshop.
My mind is full. I learned at lot. And I hope that I will have the inspiration to once again be consistent here. I want to write - - Blogs, Magazine Articles and Books.
and desiring to put feet to the dreams...
Hopefully more coming soon!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Speak Blessings to them
The granddaughter has started to Kindergarten.
As I drove her to school this morning, she informed me that I just needed to "drop her off", that I did not need to go in with her. (note- this is her third day and my first day to take her) "Oh, no!" I responded. "Dee, has to go in with you today, so I can see your room." So, she said, "ok".
Good thing she agreed.... because this "MommaDee" needed to go in. Not for her sake (obviously) but for mine. I needed to hold her hand as we walked across the street. I needed to walk down the hall with her. I needed to see her walk into her room. I needed to stand outside her room for just a minute - pretending to look at the artwork from last week- and pray.
And in that walk back down the hall and out to the car - my mind was FLOODED with memories. Memories of my first walk down the halls of Main Avenue School. (WOW - WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?) Memories of taking my three children down the hall to their first days of school. And here I am again.
And to be completely honest, I am not sure that I like it. Mainly because it is such a reminder of just how fast life happens.
So, once again I am reminded of the scripture, "to number our days. That we may gain a heart of wisdom. "
But the MAIN reason that I wanted to share this with you all today is to encourage you to Speak Blessings to your little ones. We started the practice with our children on the way to school.
The particular blessing that we spoke to them most often is taken from the passage in Deuteronomy chapter 28. And now, I am sharing the same with her:
"Aubrey, today I want you to remember that you are the head and not the tail, you are the first and not the last. And whatsoever you put your hands to do, the Lord will bless you. And also know that Dee and Poppa love you and that we are praying for you today."
Then there is a reference point when I see her after her day: "So tell me about how God Blessed you today?" At this point in her little life, she does not always have an answer to that question... but I want to plant within her little mind the awareness of God's blessings on her all day in "whatsoever she is putting her hands to do."
So, for the parents and the grandparents reading this today... I encourage you to find a blessing (or use mine) and speak it to your children/grandchildren.
Life is short. Our days are numbered. Take the time to plant some scripture and speak blessings in their little heads so that those words help to mold their little hearts. Hearts tender toward Him and His Word.
Sweet, Sweet Blessings to you all!

Thursday, March 10, 2011
The Incomparable Christ (chpt 1)
Today the topic (from the book, "The Incomparable Christ" by Oswald Sanders) was "the Moral Perfection of Christ." His beauty, His Loveliness, His Perfection.
There is NO ONE like HIM!
I have a few thoughts that I would like to share, because when I am having a feast... You know that I am compelled to give you some. I want you to see what I am seeing, to hear what I am hearing. Certainly, I cannot recount it all. But just maybe you will be encouraged by the nuggets. And even maybe some will join in reading the book, and listening to the podcasts.
John Flavel (a Puritan pastor in the 1600s) wrote:
"Bread has one quality, water another, raiment another, medicine another; but none has them all in itself as Christ does.
Nancy Leigh DeMoss makes this observation:
When we realize the treasure that Christ is, that will cause us to live our lives differently.
We will not spend all of our lives in pursuit of things and people that can never fully satisfy.
We will focus our attention and efforts on Christ.
We will want to have undistracted devotion to Him.
We will want to spend time with Him.
That is food to "chew" on for this day. Looking at Christ. The Incomparable Christ. He is altogether Lovely!
It is my prayer that TODAY (well, actually everyday) I will reflect and display the beauty of Christ...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Ash Wednesday
There are many posts on Facebook - from people who are denying themselves certain things for this season leading up to Easter. A fast of sorts.
I am choosing to join Nancy Leigh DeMoss on a study of the book, "The Incompariable Christ", by Oswald Chambers. (My friend Tricia was my encouragment to do so... I am following her lead)
The Revive Our Hearts Broadcast Schedule of Nancy teaching through this book is posted here. I have just purchased my book from Amazon for my Kindle (by the way - I LOVE my Kindle). Maybe you will want to join us too!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Leaving a Legacy...
Kindred Spirit (as Anne of Green Gables calls it)
Hearts that Beat with ours... (as Hal and I call it)
Rare gems of this life...(as it truly is)
Seriously, there are few people who come into our lives like this. Few.
In March of 1989, we moved our family to a new place. It was a hard move for me... but then, all moves are hard for me. As a woman I put down roots... and I had roots that were 7 years old.
But God doesn't make mistakes. I spent some time encouraging our children that our lives would be "richer" because of the people that God had waiting for us in our new place of service. As I encouraged them... the words became truth to me. I had to believe what I was trying to teach them.
Today, over twenty years later, I am so thankful for the fulfillment of those words that I spoke to my children... and to my heart.
Clint and Diana are kindred spirits. Their hearts beat with ours. They are rare gems. Certainly our lives are richer for having known them.
This past week, Diana left this old life, and entered into the joy of her salvation. I am still in shock. She had been battling cancer. I did not know.
They have 11 children. The first three were born when we met them. I was allowed to be the mid-wife's helper for the fourth (and first son). Diana called me when she had the good news of another "blessing" on the way. I was always so ready to rejoice with her!
Just recently (January I think)... one of the older daughters and I connected on FaceBook. But did not ever talk. I looked at pictures. I was glad to have connection again. Then I saw where this daughter was leaving college to go back home. The comment explained that her Mother needed her. I searched the wall /page... to see why. Since I could not find any reason, I assumed that she had given birth to baby # 11. I even said to Hal, "that Diana has had a baby and did not call me!" I was anxiously awaiting for pics to be posted -- and was so glad that I now had the re-connection of Facebook.
So, you can imagine the shock when I opened the message sent to me Wednesday morning. "Mom went home to be with Jesus yesterday afternoon. We are looking at having the funeral this friday afternoon at 2:30. "
I just stared at the computer screen. I told Hal. I wept.
Diana encouraged me in my life.... especially those first years of homeschooling. Diana has encouraged me in her death. Her funeral service was a testimony and celebration of the life she lived.
But I have to be honest and say that I have struggled. I am still struggling. Hal and I discussed it again today. He asked me this morning why I was having such a hard time.
I am still trying to figure that out myself. See, I know where she is. I know that this world was not her home... and that she believed/lived that too. Maybe just the sheer fact that I was expecting the announcement of a birth - and I was faced with the pronouncement of her death. Maybe because I did not get to tell her good-bye. Maybe because I would like to tell her how much she meant to me... And Hal and I decided this morning - that just maybe I was living vicariously through her with all of her babies. My biggest regret for my life is that I had my tubes tied and limited the number of children that I could have. So... I loved her life. I loved her children. I loved the ministry and witness that she lived.
But that is not all. As I sat at the funeral service... I was reminded of many things that I know are true:
Life (on this earth) is short.
Only what is done for Christ Jesus matters.
Life is also full of distractions - to keep us from what God has called us to do.
The woman that fears the Lord - she shall be praised.
Give her the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates.
Yes, I spoke truth to my children. Our lives are richer because of the people that God had waiting on us in our new place of service. And Clint and Diana really are kindred spirits/heart beats/rare gems in our lives. Now, heaven is sweeter... and memories are priceless!
Thank you Father for the life and legacy of Diana. Thank you Father for the continued friendship of Clint and their beautiful family.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Reading and Writing Again...
I have been reading again.
And I am reminded today of the quote, "Readers write, and Writers read." I posted a blog on that same topic in 2009.
When I am reading, I want to share the "nugget" that I have found. I want you to enjoy it too. I want it to speak to you as it has done for me.
So you know where I am going with this...
I have a quote to share today:
"Bad attitudes breed bad attitudes. Grumpy hearts breed more grumpy hearts. Ungratefulness breeds ungratefulness. On the flip side, praising God breeds more reasons to praise God. Thankfulness breeds more thankfulness. And a person who daily practices both praising and thanking has a rare joy that very few people possess." (Lysa Terkeurst, "Becoming More than a Good Bible Study Girl")
I desire to be filled with that rare joy. The joy that comes from a thankful heart. The joy that comes from praising.
And on the flip side, I do not want to have bad attitudes OR a grumpy heart OR ungratefulness. Nor, do I want to be the one who breeds such.
It is all about attitude and perspective and truth and holiness and priorities and choices and...
Will you join me? Let's agree to truly let "the joy of the Lord be our strength"...
A rare joy...
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
2011 Scripture Memory #3 (and another quote)
Can you tell that I have been clearing the desk???
Another post-a-note...
"The decisions you make today will dictate how you end up in ten years."
Once again - I did not write who said it - or where I read it.
But once again... I am pausing to get the message that obviously I thought was worthy to write on a note. And for some reason, it is coming up AGAIN for me (or you) now.
On another note... but there could be a connection I think...
When I was trying to decide if I would go ahead and just cut the hair short enough to get the rest of the color off, my son encouraged me to "Just do it!" (sounds like a commercial-huh?) That particular day, that was all that I needed (well, and the fact that my hair stylist did have an opening - which is a miracle in itself). I just needed someone to tell me to go ahead.
Maybe that is what is holding us back sometimes in other decisions or dreams. Maybe we just need someone to tell us that we can. And to go ahead. Maybe even to push.
I have a few of those things sitting in my ideas and dreams.
Maybe that is the reason that these quotes, notes, and thoughts keep coming up.
I have heard this called a "God parade". He is so faithful to KEEP bringing up. He is so faithful to not give up. He is so faithful to PUSH. And He even brings others in our lives to do so too!
Scripture for me today: (you can feast on it too if you would like)
Isaiah 30:21 ESV"And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying,"This is the way, walk in it,"when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left. "
Leaves me with MUCH to think about...
What about you?

More thoughts about our time...
A quote I found on a post-a-note on my desk. I do not remember who said it - or where I read it. But in light of my last post and last scripture committed to memory... it fits.
Scripture reminds us that our God has plans for us....
Jeremiah 29:11 ESV"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD,plans for welfare and not for evil,to give you a future and a hope."
Psalm 37:4-6 ESV
4. Delight yourself in the LORD,and he will give you the desires of your heart.
5. Commit your way to the LORD;trust in him, and he will act.6. He will bring forth your righteousness as the light,and your justice as the noonday.
1 Corinthians 10:31 ESV
So, whether you eat or drink,or whatever you do,do all to the glory of God.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011
2011 Scripture Memory #2
Yes, it should be #3 --- I am already behind. But I refuse to let that stop me.
So, this seems like the needed verse for me at this time. Not only for memorization but also for meditation:
Psalms 90:12
"So teach us to number our days,that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom"
Personal plans
They all come into play when we consider our days. But how easily one day turns into a week. One week becomes a month. A month is suddenly a semester. And the year flies away...
I need wisdom. Not earthly wisdom. Wisdom from above.
I desire to be so intune with my Heavenly Father, that He truly directs my steps. The steps that become days, weeks, months and years.
So, today, once again, I ask my Lord, to teach me to number my days... that I may apply my heart unto wisdom. His wisdom.