here are the pics of your dogs (in the snow). And just to let you know...they did NOT like it!
I am also adding others of our house. It is so beautiful. It always makes me think of this scripture: Isaiah 1:18"Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool."
And how beautiful is that..... washed white as snow...Also notice... the yellow ribbon at the base of the flag and if you look closely - you will see our blue star banner hanging in our window. I am missing my soldier. Hal's friend from high school that he met with last week (I may blog about that later) told him - "You and DeeDee raised a Warrior .... I know you are proud." He was right on track - Jonathan is a Warrior and we are so proud!
Thank you Lord, for the Snow. It comes so rarely to the South, but I love it. And I am so thankful for the reminder that my sins have been washed by the blood of the Lamb... and I am white as snow!
Thank you also for my warrior... That I am missing so much right now....
8 years ago
Rosie did not look like she enjoyed hte snow!
no.. she did not like it at all. She just wanted to go back inside as quickly as possible :)
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