I am once again dealing in my mind and heart about my time management.
I have a lot of ideas and dreams bouncing around in this head of mine... but am having a hard time even beginning ANY of them.
I also have a few assignments that I really need to be working on... that is also not taking any form as of yet...
I am trying to figure out how to structure my day in such a way to get it all - or even any of it done.
Let's just take a couple of writing assignments for examples:
** I write a small "treasure box" for a monthly newsletter. It is due EVERY month on the first. I have been late submitting it for the last several months.
** I am going back to the She Speaks Conference again this year. I am going to be attending the writer's track this time. I have a couple of assignments to have written before I get there. I have not even started.
Then there is the Sunday School Class that I have taken:
We are studying the book of I Peter together. We have only had one lesson. I have much studying to do and much preparation to be ready to teach these college kids. I want to learn and I want them to catch the vision of really studying the Word and letting it be applicable to their lives today. I do not want to ever go to class without begin prepared. But this takes time. Much time for me.
Hal and I are already talking and thinking and praying about our ministry to families. Specifically, the opportunity to teach/lead in Marriage Conferences. We had the opportunity to lead in three last year. We are already planning on another one for the young couples at our church for January or February of 2010. We will probably will add the co-ed 3 class too. It will either be a completely different trip or we may decide to have a combination of the teaching time with different Chalets for the different age groups. We are already discussing the topics and each are beginning our study. But once again - the time issue is at hand. It takes time. (And remember the different preparation approach between us... adds an entirely different factor to be considered. You can read our different perspectives from last year - here and here and here.)
And on the note of our ministry to Couples/Families - since neither one is a professional counselor, and yet, we are "counseling" more and more couples each week... We are beginning to think that maybe God is calling us to a COACHING ministry of sort. While we are meeting with many on an on-going basis at the time, we are both sensing a burden to refine/define our approach and our goals as we help precious families to survive in this world. And then ultimately, we hope to be able to guide them into a lifestyle or homelife of THRIVING together for the Glory of God.
And then there is my ministry to the women of our church... and the studies that I teach them. And the opportunities that I have had to speak at Women's Conferences. I absolutely love my ladies... and have a heart to minister to them. Here again is an area that I have ideas and dreams in my head and heart... but need to get it refined and prepared.
Which brings me back to the issue at hand. TIME MANAGEMENT.
We all have 24 hours in our days. We have families. We have jobs. We have children (and some have grand-children). We all have lots to do. But there are those who are efficient in using their time wisely. Time invested in Eternity. That is what I desire. That is what I am seeking.
I would absolutely LOVE for you - my readers to give me some ideas. Could you tell me how you order your day. Seriously, you can comment anonymously if you would like.... just give me some ideas to chew on. (you can email me if you are not one who usually comments or if blogger is not letting you comment. That has happened alot lately - halanddd@charter.net) Share some ideas and suggestions and let me see if they will work in my world. I thank you in advance.... You are blessings to me.
(I did not even mention this ministry here on my blog - or the desire to be consistent with the family blog and the devotion blog.)
I am looking forward to hearing from you....
8 years ago
Hello DeeDee. Wow, I love to read what you write, I enjoy listening to you speak, and I am encouraged to attend everything that you are a part of at the church. You are truly a blessing to CBC. You are an amazing woman with a big heart.
As far as managing time, I can barely manage my time, and there is not much going on in my life. I feel bad stressing about managing my time after reading your blog this morning. You have a lot going on, many ideas that sounds fascinating. My only suggestion is to pray, but I know you are already doing that. If I can help in any way, I will be glad to. I admire you DeeDee. Have a wonderful day. I will be praying for you!!
Oh, I think a lot of us are in this same boat DeeDee. The thing I try to remember is to do MY study first. When I wake up in the morning, I focus on my personal devotion and bible study time before I go to work. Then after work and at night I concentrate on my women's class that I teach and other things.
Not a big help I know but don't spread yourself too thin!
You most definitely have you hands and heart full. I do not think that I have anything to offer about time management from my stand point. I just take life one moment at a time and do what seems to be the most enjoyable at the time. Eventually it all gets done. but like you pointed out not always on the time schedule that I would have liked it to. All I can say is that it would be nice if we did not have to sleep that would give us more hours in our day. HAHA
I did not mean rest, sitting and relaxing, because that is enjoyable. But sleep? Wish we did not need that. LOL
Not much help sorry. :(
I will pray for you, God will help you!
Hey Miss DeeDee! It's funny to read this here today, because Grayson and I were just talking about goals and time management during school the other day! We did an exercise together where we wrote down our big goals (his is to be a scientist, mine to be published as an author/illustrator), and the major steps in the process to get there. Then on another paper we wrote what needs to happen on a daily basis to get us there. Small goals and blocks of time that add up to big steps along the path.
I don't know about you, but I'm a list maker. I have to have a list I can refer to, and especially one with things I can cross off as I accomplish them. It's such a small thing, but seeing that I am at least making progress toward my goals helps keep me from bogging down under them!
I don't feel qualified to give you any advice, but I hope this is helpful!
Hi DeeDee!
It's so beautiful to see how you have so many passions and interests and a desire to love and serve God and people. That's wonderful!
As a time coach and trainer, I work with many people in a similar situation who have the problem of overcommitment (at least emotionally if not literally) which leads to procrastination.
What I find works the best for me and those I serve is to start with assessing how you are using your time on a weekly basis. Then writing out what are the most important activities you desire to have in your schedule (coaching, big project, family time etc.) Then you time block in the most important activities first and release yourself from your emotional commitment to do what doesn't fit into your life right now.
"Not now," doesn't mean "never" so add these extra ideas to a someday/maybe list and then focus on what is most important and urgent to do right now. This will help you move forward and release you from guilt.
If you need more assistance, you can check out www.ScheduleMakeover.com
Hey DeeDee
My advice to you is what I have heard a very Godly lady say on several occasions in various Bible study classes... make a to-do list and then pray over it, asking God to show you what is on His agenda and what He desires for you to accomplish...
I have learned recently that I can not do everything my heart desires to do or I will be so spent that I can not do anything well... so do not take on too much or over-commit, just seek Him and find out what He has for you at this season for this time...
Praying for you...
I think Elizabeth gave some excellent advice.
I have ADD, and twin toddlers, and I pretty much have horrible time management, but it's something that I work on daily and have a desire to improve upon.
I make a running to-do list on a white board on my fridge. On one side is my grocery list, and on the other is my to-do's. Before I go to bed at night I write up what I need to do the following day. The next morning, I number each item on my list based on priority, and then erase them as I get them accomplished.
I will say that I have to be careful about over-committing myself. I really do NEED down time in order to stay healthy and sane. Plus I think that God often communicates with me when I'm NOT busy. And I really don't want to be too busy for Him, even if it's doing things that seem Godly. Jesus took time off to go into the wilderness and pray, and I need to do that too. Even if the "wilderness" is just my backyard.
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