Monday, September 8, 2008


Time Away

A whole Week

Can I say just how wonderful it was?

Hal and I took some much needed time away. We worked on a couple’s retreat that we will be leading in the winter. I worked on my fall classes. Hal worked on some of his stuff. We read lots. We relaxed in the hot tub. We ate out. He took me to the outlet malls. We always wind up at a book store. And you know that I just HAD to go by Chicos. We bought a dozen “HOT NOW” Krispy Kreme Donuts. And ate most of them (not all that night – even though I could have!)

We are rested. We are re-focused. We are energized.

Time away is good.

Getting back home is even better after a time away.

I have lots of ideas/plans for my blogs. I guess that means I am not brain-dead anymore. Rest is good for the brain. I will share more later.

Love and Blessings,


Krista said...

REst is good! I agree with you. Can't wait to see what's coming up on the blogs! Glad you two had a great time.

Joy Junktion said...

So looking forward to all the new ideas God has given you.
Oh how I wish I could have even a day away.
Blessings, Cindy