I am currently leading our Ladies Bible Studies using Lisa TerKeurst's Book, What Happens When Women Say Yes to God? We have a Sunday night class, a Wednesday Lunch time class, and a Wednesday Evening Class.
This was part of the vision that God gave me for our Women's Ministry when I went to the SHE SPEAKS conference in June. We had a beautiful banquet to kick off our fall semester with this theme. Then we encouraged ALL of our women to study this book together.
We have approximately 80 of our women studying this together. Imagine the possibilities...
One verse from this week's chapter was, "This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit..." John 15:8
Just think... 80 Women bearing much fruit - to the Glory of God. WOW...
What happens when these women say "YES" to God...
Only Heaven Knows....
But I am so excited to be a part of it!
8 years ago
Now that is exciting. Please keep us posted on what God does in these women and through them. Thanks for sharing!!
This is a great Bible study! I am thoroughly enjoying it as well as the fellowship with the ladies.
I am excited too DeeDee... I read chapter 3 yesterday and the Lord really spoke to me about a few things from it...
and, I have been trying to be extra sensitive to the Holy Spirit this week and more obedient... and I have had an awesome week! The Bible study with my girls last night was just wonderful, and I know it is a result of me being more surrendered to His control! It is exciting!
Amen! Not only will it affect the CBC, but it will affect our whole city as well.
Believing God with you (and kinda wishing I was doing it too...LOL!)
Let me know when you have another Sunday night one and I may come join ya...
That sounds so exciting! I pray each life bear much fruit for HIS glory. May the Lord continue to bless you as you lead the vision from the Lord.
I am really enjoying the bible study. The homework is not bad at all! I am so glad that I came to the Sunday night class ...that way I didn't miss anything...since my Mom came to church with me on Wednesday. I thought she would enjoy listening to Bro. Hal...plus it was closer for her since she uses the walker.
Have a great weekend!
Dee Dee,
Thanks for taking the time to share! God is so GOOD!
80 women... multiplied, like a pebble being thrown into a pond.
Far-reaching...ONLY heaven knows!
I'm anxious to hear more. I've added this book to my reading list!
Hey girl...did you get your books online?? I want one. :) Email me back if you can.
Thanks so much!
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